About KORSHIP(English)


First of all, KORSHIP respect and appreciate shipbuilding companies, related personals and partners, all those who lead Korea’s shipbuilding & offshore industries with strong spirit of artisanship and high technologies. Korea have an environmental element advantages that helps shipbuilding & offshore industries can be developed and growth. Peninsula surrounded ocean environments and alternate demand of ship concerning environmental pollution and increasing quantities of ocean logistics demand from developed new industrial countries like China, India.

In addition to it, Korea’s ambitious shipbuilding companies and their partner efforts made Korea’s shipbuilding & offshore industry to world’s best competence. Not only large Shipyard but middle and small Shipyard expected seek to construct extensive shipbuilding dockyards. Stable engineer’s job creation and distinguished strategy from latecomer shipbuilding nations, creation of value added products, meets with world’s trend of larger, faster and high technology equipment and amalgamate shipbuilding industry with IT industry and enforcement the role as a leader in the world will keep going to make Korea as top of shipbuilding industry market.

To meet these expectations, KORSHIP launched publishing named ‘KORSHIP’ shipbuilding & offshore technical journal in english edition. KORSHIP puts advertising domestic companies in touch with abroad buyers and tries to contribute development and growth of domestic shipbuilding industries by introducing world’s new technologies, news, companies and products to superintendents, engineers, Korea branch of abroad companies, domestic shipbuilding companies and all related companies.

KORSHIP tries to contribute domestic shipbuilding & offshore industries’ international competitiveness. KORSHIP is the official media partner for ‘KORMARINE’, KORSHIP promise to grow with good reputation of credible media in the international shipbuilding industry. KORSHIP will endeavor our best for the bright future and many interests and concerns will be appreciated.

Publiser Yo-Seob Choi